Youth Protection Policy 

page updated: August 9, 2024

It is the policy of the Great Trail Council that every adult volunteer must be trained in Youth Protection and must renew that training in each two year period. If a volunteer allows their Youth Protection Training to expire they will be immediately removed from the active volunteer list and be unable to attend any scouting meetings and events. 

click here for more detail

Your Youth Protection Training is good for two years from the date you originally take or renew it.  When your training is about to expire you will be notified by National beginning 90 days before it is due to expire at the email address you used in registering for scouting. You can check your status anytime at Click here for a How To Guide to take Youth Protection Training.

This policy, effective March 2023, refers to both adults and adult-participants 18 and over.

What if my Youth Protection Training expires in the months of January through August?

Any registered adults and adult-participants over 18 will have their registration expired without refund three business days prior to the last business day of the month in which their Youth Protection Training expires. 

What if my registration is expired?

No refund of fees paid is made and if you want to reinstate your registration you will need to complete Youth Protection Training and a new Adult Application in its entirety, pay the appropriate registration fees and go through the registration process like any other new volunteer. 

What if you have received notification that your Youth Protection Training is expiring and your records say it is current?

Please forward a copy of the YPT certificate that was emailed to you by the national office to our Council Registrar,, to update your personal profile. Only this certificate is acceptable proof of your status. 

What if I am no longer participating in Scouts?

Please notify our Council Registrar,

What if I have a question not listed here or want more clarification?

Contact your district executive.

Great Trail YPT Expiration Dates

The council will expunge members who allow their YPT to lapse on these dates in 2024. Registrations will be expired by noon (12:00 pm EST) if not showing as current in

March 27

April 26

May 29

June 26

July 29

August 28

September 26

October 29

November 22

December 18

Required Training

Youth Protection and Adult Leadership