(From the Standard Operating Procedures)

The Purpose of BSA shooting sports is to introduce youth to shooting. The BSA shooting programs are based on age appropriateness and safety with the goal of developing a positive shooting experience for each youth.

While safety is paramount, it should be noted that with all shooting sports activities there is inherent risk involved. The BSA follows the SAFE practices and requires all ranges to have approved Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that are approved for that range. Range supervision and instruction are overseen by qualified staff with a key focus of scout safety.

New Policy Beginning September 1, 2024 

From the Guide to Safe Scouting:

Calendar of Range and Target Sports

See our Range and Shooting Sports Calendar to see only training offerings. 

Share our flyer on Council Range and Target Sports Events

See our Range and Shooting Sports Calendar to see only training offerings. 

Great Trail Council Shooting Sports Events Dates 2024.pdf

Share our flyer on getting trained in Range and Target Sports

See our Range and Shooting Sports Calendar to see only training offerings. 

Great Trail Council BSA 2024 Shooting Sports Dates.pdf

Policy and Procedures


Great Trail Council #433 B.S.A., 4500 Hudson Drive, Stow, Ohio 44224


Any interpretation of, or questions regarding these Standard Operating Procedures should be directed to

Jim Dade,, the Chairman of the Great Trail Council Shooting Sports Committee or 

Nate Watson, Director of Camping  & Programs, 234-900-5911,, Professional Staff Advisor for Shooting Sports.

All Shooting Sports Activities conducted by the Great Trail Council #433 B.S.A., or any of the Districts within the Council, will be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition, and most recent updates and addendums, of the B.S.A. Shooting Sports Manual, National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP) Standards, and the Shooting Sports Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) adopted by the Great Trail Council #433 B.S.A.

These Standard Operating Procedures will govern activities conducted on all ranges located on Great Trail Council properties, including Camp Manatoc, Camp Butler, and Camp Stambaugh, and on all Portable Range Equipment and Temporary Ranges used for Council and District Shooting Sports Events.

Policy on Range and Target Sports, Council and District Level

Requirements to Include Shooting Sports in a District or Council Level Event-Revised 110523.pdf

Range and Target Sports: Ranges and Events Standard Operating Procedures

Approved 7/20/2023. Break this out into its own page.

GTC Shooting Sports SOP 7.20.2023.pdf


B.S.A. Shooting Sports Manual (see the embedded page below) or download it directly here

Applicable National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP) Standards (see the embedded page below) or access it directly here

National Range and Target Sports page at (next)

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right click to save the qrcode to your device.

Range and Target Sports Page at
