Charter Renewal Process is no more.
The new process in 2024 is
"Unit and Membership Renewal"
Recharter Process for
Great Trail Council Packs, Troops, Crews and Ships
Great Trail Council Packs, Troops, Crews and Ships
Welcome to the Rechartering Process Page

September - Attend Roundtable for Charter Kickoff.
This all starts at your September Roundtable. Please attend the Charter Renewal Launch at the September Roundtable.
Hear the Charter Renewal Process explained by your district commissioner.
Learn about the NEW Unit Health Reporting Tool
Report to your District Commissioner the name of your Unit Processor, the single contact for the charter renewal paperwork.
For assistance, contact your district commissioner or
Assistant Council Commissioner for Charter Renewal
Ed Martin,,
View Your District Presentation
Canal District
Jeff Carrico, District Commissioner
(234) 718-0891

Crooked River District
Vince Marchetti, District Commissioner
(330) 389-1136

Stambaugh District
Craig Williams, District Commissioner
(330) 207-9222

Soaring Eagle District
Craig Wrobleski, District Commissioner
(440) 552-0676

September 15 - Key 3 receives the Unit Health Reporting Tool
Each Unit Key 3 member will complete the online Unit Health Reporting Tool no later than October 31, 2023. A link to the tool will be emailed on September 15, 2023, to each Key 3 and to Chartered Organization Delegates with the subject Great Trail Council Unit Health Reporting Tool. This tool replaces the need to complete the 2023 Scouting’s Journey to Excellence Form and other documents used in the past.
Update: All unit Key 3's in our four traditional districts received the unit health reporting tool on September 15 and 16.
Unit Health Reporting Tool
The questions within the reporting tool are asked on behalf of the Council Commissioner Service Team, who are focusing on the health of your unit.
Part of our focus is the quantitative assessment that is the Journey to Excellence, and part is how you assess the quality of your unit and what you need to improve.
We seek to discover what are the needs of each unit and to see how many other units are in the same boat. This information will help direct our commissioner energies toward systemic issues across our Packs, Troops, Crew, and Ships in all of our traditional districts.
There are different questions for different members:
All Key 3 members will be asked about:
Urgent Unit Priorities (If any are reported, you will get an immediate and direct response.)
Their qualitative assessment of their unit, and
Your unit's top three needs.
Unit Leaders will be asked to answer some program-specific information. (see below)
Committee Chairs and Chartered Organization Representatives (or the COR delegate) will be asked to verify the Key 3 names for the next charter year.
The JTE reporter, one of the members of the Key 3, will complete questions (as described below)
membership (including the number of Age-outs, Joiners, and those who stopped attending), and
the Journey to Excellence form. Some statistics you need, such as growth and retention rates, will be calculated.
FAQ on the Unit Health Reporting Tool
Why collect the JTE and other information this way?
We get to hear from you about the most critical issues for your unit's health, including which issues are urgent and emerging.
We will have direct written information from you on what your unit needs to be an ideal unit.
This process maximizes our ability to learn about unit health so we can help your unit.
For the first time, we can see how our units are doing on each of the many performance criteria of the JTE.
We can better identify where our limited resources, our commissioners, should be directed.
Our units will become more healthy and prosper.
Who is reading the information that you produce?
Your District Commissioner, your unit commissioner, and others that the District Commissioner depends on to help your unit.
What will we do with this information?
We will produce a completed Journey to Excellence form for your unit.
We will recognize units for their accomplishments.
We will report data only in summary form and not on and about individual units.
We will use this information to look for trends across our programs and units within those programs to identify needs.
We will share summary information with relevant committees, e.g., the training, marketing or membership committees, so they can serve your units better.
Ultimately, the information will appear in your Unit Dashboard as a Detailed Assessment and may contain a Service Plan based on your input.
What data we collect from the Key 3 member designated as the JTE and Membership Data Recorder.
Questions in the membership block (Asked of all Packs, Troops, Crews and Ships)
All of the Journey to Excellence questions, 11 for Troops, 10 for Cubs and 9 for Crews and Ships. You can find the appropriate JTE form with all questions for your unit on our JTE page here.
From the Unit Dashboard on (The data is clearly displayed, you need only to copy into the reporting tool).
Number of Adults Registered
Number of Adults Not Trained in Position Training
Actual Youth Total Membership This Year
Actual Youth Total Membership Last Year
New Youth Total This Year
New Youth Last Year
The number of youth in each age category
From your knowledge of your unit (data we cannot get anywhere else)
Number of youth who aged-out
Number of youth who quit
Number of youth that Joined
If your unit is a Pack (data we cannot get anywhere else)
Number of fifth graders in January 2023
Number of those who crossed to a troop
Number of those who earned AOL
How many different troops did your AOLs visit
If your unit is a Troop (data we cannot get anywhere else)
How many of your joiners were from Packs
What data we will collect from Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Crew Advisors and Ship Skippers.
From Scoutmasters
Questions on Patrol Method
During how many months in the last 12 did your troop conduct a short-term camping trip?
During how many months in the last 12 did your troop go on an activity or camping trip that was 2 or more hours away?
How many scouts attended summer camp
How many scouts attended a camping experience of 4 to 6 nights (other than summer camp)
How many scouts attended a camping experience of 7 or more nights (other than summer camp)
Location of Summer Camp
From Cubmasters
How many scouts attended Webelos Residence Camp
How many scouts attended Day Camp
Possibly: How many months in the last 12 did your Pack conduct an activity that was not a Den or Pack Meeting
Possibly: How many months in the last 12 did your Pack conduct a campout (not including Day or Resident Camp)
From Crew Advisors
Possibly: A question about number of Tier II and III activities
Possibly: A question comparing the number of registered Crew Members to the number of multiples.
From Ship Skippers
no specific Questions.
Sept to Oct - Review your roster in
Before October 2, Review your roster in
Verify that all Scouts and Adults are on your roster.
Collect Youth and Adult Apps for those who are new and who may be transitioning from youth to adult status.
Review Online Registration to be able to submit applications electronically
It is preferable that you submit all new applications for youth at (required for Council-registered units) before updating the roster to minimize entry errors.
Help for Online Registration is below.
If submitted in hardcopy form:
Youth applications for new Scouts must be signed by the parent and Unit Leader, with the youth's date of birth and grade, parent/guardian's date of birth, and email address.
Adult applications must be signed and initialed by the applicant and COR/Institution Head. All background check questions must be answered and references provided.
FAQ on Roster Review
What is the Unit Health Reporting Tool?
added 10/1/2023See this page above
This online tool provides the following benefits:
Replaces the need to complete the JTE and Detailed Assessment forms
Replaces the need to print hard-copies
Provides information that will aid Council and District Commissioner Service teams to focus their efforts in support of units
Membership questions
What are the minimum membership requirements for a unit?
added 10/1/2023, updated October 7, 2023A unit must have at least the following members:
Unit Leader (based on unit program): Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor, Skipper
Committee Chair (CC)
Chartered Organization Representative
Den Leader (if unit program is Cub Scouts)
2 Committee Members (MC)
5 youth members with 2 youth having primary registration with the unit.
What about members who have recently turned 18?
updated October 25, 2023For members who will have turned 18 by January 1, 2024, and wish to continue their membership:
Must complete Adult Application, CBC, YPT and Hazardous Weather training. The College Scouter Reserve position does not require Hazardous Weather training. Those registering as Assistant Scoutmaster must also complete the position-specific training and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.
Venturing youth who are 18 years old or older at the time of their first application to a Venturing unit must complete an Adult Application, CBC and YPT, and register as a Venturing Participant (VP).
Those with special needs who want to continue to advance to Eagle rank must submit Request for Registration Beyond the Age of Eligibility, No. 512-935, which may be downloaded from, before turning 18, and then must complete Adult Application, CBC and YPT, registering as a Unit Participant (UP).
You must contact the AID Committee ( before submitting the request. They will conduct a preliminary evaluation to direct the unit to the steps they may need to do.
The AID committee will instruct them how and when to submit the Request for Registration Beyond the Age of Eligibility.
What about Youth who are crossing over to a Troop from a Pack?
Packs with Scouts “crossing over” to troops and troops with Scouts expected to “cross over” from packs must communicate with each other to determine the date of crossover. Should the date be prior to January 1, 2024, the troop should include the Scout on its roster.
What if you accidentally remove a Scout or Adult from your charter?
added 10/11/2023In the recharter system,
click on “Removed Members.”
Find the Scout or the adult's name,
click the box to the left of her name.
Click on “Add to recharter.”
The person should immediately populate back to your roster.
What about Multiples?
updated October 7, 2023When a member is listed as a “multiple”, it means that member is a member of one or more other units and the membership fee is paid in another unit (the primary registration). This occurs with the COR when the chartering organization charters more than one unit.
In such cases, the unit carrying that member as a “multiple” must confirm that the member’s fee is, in fact, paid in the unit of primary registration. Note: CORs of Council-registered units are listed in all units as "multiple" as their primary registration is with the Council.
What to do with those who register for the first time after August 1, 2023?
updated October 7, 2023As of August 1 of 2023, all new youth and adult members will be enrolled in a 12-month membership cycle. Their fees will be identified as "prepaid" in the roster and no fee will be due.
Training issues
Who is required to complete recertification of Youth Protection Training (YPT) prior to September 27?
added 10/1/2023Anyone whose 2-year certification expires prior to January 1, 2024 must recertify by September 27. This includes completing all the modules and the test.
Which unit positions are required to be trained?
added 10/7/2023See the training section below on this page.
Technical issues, forms, payments
Will Council-registered units have additional paperwork to complete as it did last year?
added 10/1/2023Yes. Those forms can be found at when available.
How should membership applications be submitted?
added 10/1/2023Applications should be submitted online via and done before updating the roster to minimize entry errors.
If submitted in hardcopy form
Youth applications for new Scouts must be signed by parent and Unit Leader (or designee), have youth's date of birth and grade, and parent/guardian date of birth and email address.
Adult applications must be signed and initialed by the applicant and COR/Institution Head. All background check questions must be answered and references provided.
Once signed, they can be scanned and uploaded to the roster.
What are the registration fees for 2023?
added 10/1/2023See payment below.
What forms of payment may be used?
added 10/1/2023, updated on October 7, 2023See the payment section below on this page.
Can payment be postponed if my unit is awaiting the proceeds from the popcorn sale to pay the charter renewal fees?
added 10/1/2023See the payment section below on this page.
Youth Registration assistance
If the Youth Registration Assistance request is approved, how are funds provided?
added 10/1/2023, updated October 7, 2023Once a decision has been made on the request, the respective unit Committee Chair and parent will be notified by email how much of a grant, if any, is being funded. A copy of the email is to be included with the Unit Charter Renewal Report Package and the amount can be deducted from the amount reported on the Unit Charter Renewal Report Package. If the unit has already submitted payment, a refund will be posted to the unit's account.
Online Applications
offered through Online Registration
See the tutorial on Online Registration at the help button.
Adult and Youth Applications (fillable pdf / paper versions)
Sept to Oct - Review all of your Adult Volunteer's Training.
See the training manager in to get a report on all untrained adults in your unit.
Youth Protection Training
is required for everyone. If any of your adult volunteers have a YPT certificate that expires before December 31, 2023, they must retake the training no later than September 26, 2023, or they will be dropped on September 27, 2023.
Now is the time to ensure everyone in this danger zone update their Youth Protection Training before September 27, 2023.
Visit our Youth Protection Page or How to take YPT Training page.
Hazardous Weather Training
is required of all Committee Chairs and Direct Contact Leaders. This training is good for two years.
Hazardous Weather Training is an online course at
Log on to
Go to Expanded Learning
Then Program Safety
Scroll to Hazardous Weather Training.
Position Specific Training
is required of all Committee Chairs and Direct Contact Leaders.
You can take these courses online at, or you might find a course offered in person on our training calendar.
Who are the direct Contact Leaders?
Direct contact leaders include
Cub Scout Volunteers:
Cubmasters, Assistant Cubmasters, Webelos Leaders, Assistant Webelos Leaders, Den Leaders, Assistant Den Leaders, Lion Guides, Tiger Den Leaders,
Scouts BSA Volunteers:
Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters,
Venturing Crew and Sea Scout Volunteers:
Crew Advisors, Associate Crew Advisors, Skippers and Mates
October 2, Online Registration Opens
Note that COR is a member of all units at the Chartered Organization and only pays a fee in one of the units (preferably the troop if multiple units).
Upload any applications, CBCs, and YPT certificates where indicated.
Use the “Pay at Council” option (the default is “Credit Card”).
Press “Pay and Post Renewal” to send emails to Key 3 for electronic signature (only one signature is needed).
Print the pdf version from the succeeding email once the electronic signature is applied.
Watch this tutorial video on the Rechartering Tool you use at
Can payment be postponed if my unit is awaiting the proceeds from the popcorn sale to pay the charter renewal fees?
added 10/1/2023The Council Office will offer to delay the cashing of checks until December 1 if needed. Upon submission of the check with other charter renewal paperwork, there will be a form the Unit Processor can sign to indicate the unit's preference.
Acceptable Forms of Payment
Check payable to Great Trail Council
Unit Account Withdrawals
Credit card (see form below)
Do not make payments online.
Payments made online go directly to National and refunds are at the discretion of National in the case of an overpayment. By paying locally, we can make sure you are charged correctly.
Obtain payment for the total amount indicated on the Charter Payment Form with a check made payable to “Great Trail Council”.
Other acceptable forms of payment include unit account withdrawals and credit cards (info submitted with charter or called into Council Office beforehand; using a credit card carries a 3% fee).
Registration fees for 2023:
$ 80 for youth (additional $25 for first-time members)
$ 60 for adults
$ 15 for an annual subscription to Scout Life magazine (optional)
$100 Unit Liability Insurance Fee

Turning in your charter: the Charter Review
Refrain from delivering to the Council Office.
Attend your charter review appointment to review and submit the following items to the District Executive.
Hardcopy version of your final recharter
Signed Charter Agreement (see forms above)
Facility Use Agreement (if your unit is a Council-registered unit or meeting location requires it)
Payment (see above)
If you are a Council-registered unit you must also have:
GTC Inventory Form for Council Registered Units (form available here)
Annual Unit Finance Report for Council Registered Units (form available here)
Other Forms
Youth Registration Assistance Forms
Distribute Youth Registration Assistance Forms as needed. Forms must be submitted by the October Roundtable to determine grant amounts and ACE reimbursement opportunities.
Due: At the October Roundtable.

Annual Charter Agreement Forms
For Council-registered Units
GTC Charter Agreement for Council-registered Units
Facility Use Agreement (effective 3/1/2023 to 3/1/2024 fillable pdf)

For Units sponsored by Chartered Organizations
Fillable pdf of Annual Charter Agreement (fillable pdf)

National Resources
National Webpage on Internet Charter Renewal
This will break out this webpage into a separate browser window.