Updated 4/14/2024

Now available, Unit Health Scores for all Packs and Troops, and Details on Summer Program usage among Packs and Troops. 

Training on Unit Health Metrics

Unit Metrics Intro 04302024

Unit and Membership Renewal Page

There is no more Charter Renewal. Learn about new process for RENEWING unit rosters and memberships. 

This Cub Chat Live video covers the new program. A 75-minute Webinar.

By opening it into its own window, you can also see the playlist of videos covering the many aspects of the new program. 

Here is a direct link to the full playlist

Unit Health Reporting Tool, distributed to Key 3 on Sept 2023

Due online on October 31, 2023

Links expire Nov 15, 2023

Unit Health Survey Flow - what is the Unit Health Reporting Tool Presentation

How to use the Unit Dashboard to Prepare for Unit Contacts

Part of the November 11 College 

For other presentations from the college, go to college.gtcbsa.org

Open the presentation in its own window.

The Unit Dashboard and Uit Health.pptx

Unit Dashboard Overview

Mike Weber

Chair of the technology Group

National Commissioner Service Team 

Have your units update their unit pin

Have your units learn about Online Registration

What should be on this page? Let me know at commissioners@gtcbsa.org.